Slavnik Labs Analytics:  Uncovering Cultural Distinctions

ECONOMETRICS DATASETS:    Spending   Retail   Services   Income   Work   Housing

DATA ANALYTICS:      Econometrics      Identitate      Culturescape      Geodemographics

Econometrics:   Measuring Consumer Behavior

Technically, Econometrics consists of the combination of economic models, mathematical statistics and economic data. While the datasets in this category may not combine all of those components in a unified whole, each dataset below contributes to economic data and the development of economic models in the context of small area research.  Mathematical statistics were used in the development of the data themselves.
The Econometric datasets may be used in a variety of applications in business, NGO and government settings such as site selection, marketing strategies, and as a tool for decision-support systems.  


Econometric Data Sets


spendicity.jpgConsumer Spending Data

Spendicity data provides current year consumer spending for more than 500 individual products or services. By applying sophisticated “big data” analytics to the annual Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX)  produced by the  Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Spendicity dataset delivers reliable estimates of household expenditures. 


retailology2.jpgRetail Customer Purchase Data

Retailology data provides current year customer purchasing for more than 500 individual products. By applying sophisticated “big data” analytics to the annual Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX) produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Retailology dataset delivers reliable estimates of household purchases. The dataset has been grouped by NAICS Retail Trade categories.


servicade2b.jpgService Customer Servicing Data

Servicade data provides current year customer purchasing for more than 500 individual products. By applying sophisticated “big data” analytics to the annual Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX) produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Servicade dataset delivers reliable estimates of household services. The dataset has been grouped by NAICS Services Sectors categories. 


incometry.pngIncome Revenue Source Data

Incometry data provides income sources from the current 5 year American Community Survey estimates from the Census Bureau. The dataset has been grouped by 6 income categories. 



workile.pngWork Employment Data

Workography data provides employment data from the current 5 year American Community Survey estimates from the Census Bureau. The dataset includes employment, occupational and industry categories.  



residencia.pngHousing Issue Data

Residencia data provides housing data from the current 5 year American Community Survey estimates from the Census Bureau. The dataset includes housing costs (rent and mortgage costs), types of structure, and other housing related topics. 



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