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Overview of Paideia:  Adult Literacy Skills

For the ancient Greeks, paideia referred to the education and socialization of the population into model citizens.  Paideia training included practical, scientific, and moral education to produce a well-rounded individual.
The PAIDEIA dataset provides current year proficiency assessments of adult competencies for more than 300 variables, although the key scores revolve around literacy, numeracy, and problem solving skills. The PAIDEIA dataset was created by applying sophisticated statistical techniques to the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) released by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) of the US Department of Education. The PIAAC is "a household study conducted under the auspices of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to assess key cognitive and workplace skills needed for successful participation in 21st century society and the global economy."
The PAIDEIA dataset delivers reliable estimates of literacy, numeracy, and problem solving scores. In addition, the dataset gives estimates for variables related to educational activities, employment, skills used at work and skills used in everyday life. Our documentation gives additional data about the PAIDEIA dataset together with a methodological summary. The dataset has been grouped by 6 proficiency levels.  



Paideia Variables by Proficiency Levels

The Paideia variables span across these 6 proficiency levels:



LEVEL 5:  MAXIMUM PROFICIENCY - Score:  376 - 500
4% of the US Adult Population (Ages 16 to 65)
Conceptual Models of Ideas & Complex Representations

Those with Maximum Proficiency integrate information across multiple, dense texts; construct syntheses, ideas or points of view; or evaluate evidence based arguments. They understand complex abstract mathematical and statistical ideas, embedded in complex texts, draw inferences; arguments or models; justify, reflect on solutions or choices. In digital problem solving, tasks may involve multiple steps and operators, navigation across pages and applications. There are typically high monitoring demands, and evalaution of relevance and reliability of information. 





LEVEL 4:  MAJOR PROFICIENCY - Score: 326 - 375
8% of the US Adult Population (Ages 16 to 65)
Integration, Interpretation, Synthesis of Ideas & Complex Reasoning

Those with Major Proficiency perform multiple-step operations to integrate, interpret, or synthesize information from complex texts, and may require complex inferences. They perform analysis, complex reasoning, statistics and chance; spatial relationships; and communicate well-reasoned explanations for answers. In digital problem solving, tasks may involve multiple steps and operators, navigation across pages and applications. There are typically high monitoring demands, and evalaution of relevance and reliability of information.





36% of the US Adult Population (Ages 16 to 65)
Comprehension, Evaluation, Inferences & Basic Analysis of Data

Those with Moderate Proficiency identify, interpret or evaluate one or more pieces of information and often require varying levels of inference. They understand & work with mathmatical patterns, proportions, basic statistics expressed in verbal or numerical form. In digital problem solving proficiency, tasks require some navigation across pages and applications for solving the problem. Evaluating the relevance, some integration and inferential reasoning may be needed.





LEVEL 2:  MODEST PROFICIENCY - Score: 226 - 275
34% of the US Adult Population (Ages 16 to 65)
Comparing, Contrasting, Reasoning & Simple Math Processes

Those with Modest Proficiency make matches between text and information that may require low level paraphrasing and drawing low-level inferences. They perform 2 or more calculations, simple measurement; spatial representation; estimation; and interpret simple tables and graphs. In digital problem solving, tasks require little or no navigation, and only a few steps to access information for solving the problem. There are few monitoring demands.





LEVEL 1:  MINOR PROFICIENCY - Score: 176 - 225
14% of the US Adult Population (Ages 16 to 65)
Basic Vocabulary, Paragraph Reading & Basic Arithmetic

Those with Minor Proficiency read relatively short digital, print or mixed texts to locate single text. They perform one-step tasks: count; sort; arithmetic operations; understanding simple percent (ex. 50%). In digital problem solving, tasks are well-defined involving use of only one function within a generic interface.





4% of the US Adult Population (Ages 16 to 65)
Simple Vocabulary, Simple Sentences & Simple Arithmetic

Those with Minimal Proficiency locate single pieces of information in simple texts. They do basic tasks: counting, arithmetic, operations with whole numbers. In digital problem solving, tasks are well-defined and use only one function within a generic interface.




Available Geographies

BG - Block Groups
CT - Census Tracts
CO - County and County Subdivisions

ME - Metropolitan Statistical Areas 
MI - Micropolitan Statistical Areas  

PL - Place / Census Designated Place
ST - State
US - United States
ZI - ZIP Codes
BTA - Basic Trade Areas
MTA - Major Trade Areas 

Documentation and Release Information

Current Release:  2016A
2016A  Paideia Literacy Skills Documentation


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