Culturescape:  Measuring Cultural Geography

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DATA ANALYTICS:      Econometrics      Identitate      Culturescape      Geodemographics

Overview of the Communography Typology







Affluent families living primarily in suburbia but also in posh neighborhoods in urban settings
Upscale Communities reflect the wealthiest households in the nation. An upscale social environment is created by high household incomes, significant home values and top educational achievements. Concentrated in exclusive suburban neighborhoods, these households are predominantly white, college educated and filled with Baby Buster parents and their children living in the metropolitan sprawl. Most of the adults work as executives and white-collar professionals, and their upscale incomes provide them with large homes and comfortable lifestyles. They like to spend their leisure time getting exercise—jogging, biking and swimming are popular—or shopping for the latest in-fashion and high-tech electronics. They are active in community affairs as members of business clubs, environmental groups and arts associations. 






Ethnically homogeneous enclaves of couples & families in small towns & 2nd cities.
Mainstay Communities represent the established, median income households of small, low-density urban and second-city areas. Mainstay Communities consist of ethnically homogeneous enclaves of predominantly white, married and family-oriented, homeowner households and diverse enclaves of mixed marital status, ethnicity and age ranges. Commuting to careers in management, manufacturing, retail, sales and health care services provides them the means for a moderate to ample lifestyle. Those households who enjoy dual-median incomes are able to support the creature comforts they have come to expect and have worked hard to achieve. 






Racially mixed, mostly lower-middle class, blue-collar households living in older towns & cities
Working Communities represent predominantly blue-collar workers in a mix of manufacturing, construction, health services, retail, wholesale trades, and food service occupations. Mostly high-school educated with some college experience, these homeowner households appear in diverse neighborhoods in densely populated regions and small-town suburbs – often living on the edge of metropolitan areas. Ethnically diverse, less than half are currently married. Enjoying lower middle incomes, their incomes provide a stable foundation for their personal and family pursuits in conventional type lifestyles. 






Rural families with outdoor-oriented lifestyles working in agricultural & mining communities
Representing agricultural and mining areas, Country Communities represent middle-aged, mostly white family households living in single-family homes and mobile homes or trailers on country tracts and in rural neighborhoods. They work hard to provide the tranquil life to which their family has become accustomed through farming, agriculture, education, mining and other service industries. Education levels are low and, consequently, income levels are moderately low, falling in the lower middle income range. Driving domestic pick-up trucks, traditional family sedans or compact cars, more than two-thirds of these households do not have children living at home. 






Young, mostly single, ethnically diverse households living in apartments or group
This resoundingly diverse community represents the up-and-coming of American society. Living within easy reach of or within major metropolitan areas, this group enjoys careers in information, sales, administration, education, health and other service professions. As many as 60% of Aspiring Communities are renting singles, many are career builders enjoying a middle income lifestyle in midtier management positions. Many others live the unique lifestyles offered by military and university dorm life. However, this group is also four times more likely to be unemployed. Ethnicity is extremely diverse, and a majority fall within the ages of 18 to 34 years.






Ethnically-diverse singles & single parents living in inner-city areas.
The Urban Community features a diverse range of residents who reside within major metropolitan cities and towns, often in what is sometimes called “inner city.” Predominantly African-American and Hispanic, many are single, younger adults (including some single parents). With below-average incomes and above-average household size, some in this group support their lifestyles at employment within food and health services, education, retail, and arts and entertainment industries. At the same time, in many places, the Urban Community has double the national average for unemployment. Many single-parent households must balance priorities and budgets.




Available Geographies

CT - Census Tracts
CO - County and County Subdivisions

ME - Metropolitan Statistical Areas 
MI - Micropolitan Statistical Areas  

PL - Place / Census Designated Place
ST - State
US - United States
ZI - ZIP Codes
BTA - Basic Trade Areas
MTA - Major Trade Areas 

Documentation and Release Information

Current Release:  2015B
2015B  Communography Documentation


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