Slavnik Labs Analytics:  Uncovering Cultural Distinctions

DATA ANALYTICS:      Econometrics      Identitate      Culturescape      Geodemographics


Slavnik Labs Data Products

Our data products provide real-world data for use in marketing strategies, site selection and decision-support systems in business, NGO, and government settings. Slavnik Labs is a full service data analytics company that provides a broad range of quality, sociocultural data products for a wide range of applications.  All of the datasets are derived from high-caliber source data and the most current "big data" analytical tools and methodologies.  Methodology summaries for each dataset are available in downloadedable PDF format as part of the product documentation.


Measuring  Consumer  Behavior

Segmenting  Cultural  Neighborhoods

Measuring  Cultural  Geography


Religion in the US: Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, Others


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