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Why "Slavnik" ?


We take our inspiration from the Slavnik dynasty in the tenth century.  Vojtech Slavnik served as the Bishop of Prague and Apostle to the Prussians where he was martyred with his brother, Radim, for his faith.   He became known as "Saint Adalbert of Prague," the patron saint of Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Prussia.
While Vojtech was well educated, he was very concerned for the common person. Throughout his ministry he gathered information about the cultures of the people he served and used the information to enhance his mission.  He was noted for charity, austerity, and zealous service.    He opposed polygamy, idolatry and the slave trade -- very unusual for his time period.  The Slavnik Dynasty was wiped out by the rival Premyslids when most of his brothers were killed.
The founders of Slavnik Labs are descended from the Slavnik family.



Why Slavnik Labs?

Realtors have often echoed the adage that it is all about "location, location, location."  While site selection is a crucial piece of business, NGO, and government strategies, we at Slavnik Labs believe that it is more than that.  Today with the proliferation of cultural groups of all types, one could say that success in one's mission is in the numbers that delineate sociocultural context. Instead it is all about, "context, context, context!"
"Context" has many dimensions -- economic, cultural groupness and identity, and sociocultural issues.  These cultural and social dimensions that impact an organization's mission are often ignored in the pursuit of sales, marketing, and customer service. 
Slavnik Labs provides quality data to enable organizations to make wise decisions in the pursuit of their mission.



We Do Data Analytics

Process Syndicated Data

We process syndicated data primarily provided by external sources (other data providers) as a result of their data collection and analysis.  For example, much census data is not in a usable format and requires post-production processing in order to make it available for GIS and other uses. 


Synthesize Survey Data

We use and develop synthetic data in order to satisfy disclosure requirements and to produce reliable estimates at smaller levels of geography.   Following standard statistical protocols and using current analytical algorithms, we take national survey data and create a valid model of results at local levels.


Create Data Segmentation

We create various analyses of data in order to classify data into clusters with similar components or characteristics.  Often used for market segmentation, our Identitate segmentations cluster the United States population into 7 segmentation layers covering 256 different sociocultural clusters. 


Conduct Typological Analysis

We employ typological analysis in order to develop a set of related but distinct categories that differentiate subcomponents of a topic.  Our Sitescape Location Identification Typology divides the entire US land area into 4 categories, 12 groups and multiple subgroups from city to country.


We Do Data Services


Service Data Collection

We collect and warehouse quantitative and qualitative data.  For example, our data warehouse has over 50,000 variables for every block group and larger geographical level in the United States ranging from demographics to economic data to cultural data to educational data.


Provide Data Analytics

In addition to doing our own data analytics in the development of data products for our clients, we manage and mine massive datasets using "big data" analytics to provide resources in decision support systems as our clients need.


Develop Data Visualization

We use various spatial analyses in order to map data and compute relationships within the data for our clients.  We use various types of visual representation including thematic cartography to illustrate complex data.


Conduct Cultural Analysis

We conduct cultural analysis by interpreting data and mapping cultural trends over time.


Conduct Custom Research

We consult with our clients to develop custom research that yields specific results that enable our clients to solve data related issues.